Proyecto España En Floración - Turismo De Floración

Spain in Bloom Project

The “Experience Spain in Bloom” project is an innovative initiative that highlights the tourism potential of the flowering of fruit fields and landscapes across the country. A natural phenomenon that, when promoted jointly, will foster important synergies between the different territories.

With the launch of the “Spain in Bloom” brand, a link will be created between the territories that can benefit from the tourist value of flowering, forming a network of actors that promote initiatives that have a direct impact on rural Spain.

All participating blooms will be interconnected through digital tools, with cultural, gastronomic, sports, etc. activities organized individually or jointly.

Improving the training of agents involved in flowering tourism, the creation of the Club España en Floración, accessible tourism, or increasing the flowering experience for visitors, are just some of the aspects that have also been taken into account so that Spain in Bloom becomes a reference for domestic tourism that will break down borders, create wealth and boost rural Spain.

Who can benefit from the Spain in Bloom initiative?

The agricultural sector in general (associations, cooperatives, farmers' groups, etc.), town councils and autonomous communities, tourism companies, hotels and restaurants, neighbourhood and business associations, etc. and any other group or person who is involved in the tourism sector in one way or another and can add value to the project, which will benefit them, can benefit from this initiative.

How to be part of the project?

The project has an integrative ambition, which means that each group, institution or individual can join the project to the extent they wish, from being part of the Club España en Floración, to simply being part of a database of “Actors of the Flowering”, who at a given time can contribute initiatives or ideas that contribute to the aims of the project.

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