Immortalizing the beauty of Moratalla's lavender fields could be rewarded this year. Visitors to the activities of the Moratalla Lavand Festival, which this year offers a complete programme of cultural, gastronomic and heritage activities around the lavender flowering, can take photographs of the beauty of these fields and their activities by participating in the Spain in Bloom Photography Competition. All they have to do is send their best snapshots to and will be entered into the draw for a Spain in Bloom gift pack.
The initiative is part of the adhesion of the Moratalla City Council and its Lavender Bloom to the agrotourism project Spain in Bloom, financed by the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Government of Spain, which aims to promote and enhance experiences related to flowering tourism and its agri-food products throughout the country as a new tourism product.
The photos sent will contribute to creating a documentary collection of all the country's blooms, which will be used for national and international promotion and dissemination, with the aim of attracting a flow of visitors to this quality tourism.