La Comarca Asturiana De La Sidra Presenta La Programación De La Floración Del Manzano - Turismo De Floración

The Asturian Cider Region presents the programme for the Apple Blossom

The Cider Region is preparing to welcome spring with one of the most attractive events in Asturias, the Apple Blossom Week. This wonderful natural spectacle, which dyes the fruit trees with the pink and white colours of their petals, will be a delight for the senses on 27 and 28 April.

Over the course of two intense days, the six Asturian cider-making councils of Bimenes, Cabranes, Colunga, Nava, Sariego and Villaviciosa will offer a full programme of activities to attract hundreds of visitors during the last weekend of April. The event was presented last Friday in a beautiful flowering orchard in the municipality of Nava, by the various mayors of the Cider Region, headed by the president of the entity, Juan Antonio González, as well as representatives of the Regulatory Council of the “Sidra de Asturias” Designation of Origin, the Campoastur Cooperative, the Regional Service for Agri-Food Research and Development (Serida). In addition to Begoña López, Director General of Agriculture, Agroindustry and Rural Development of the Principality of Asturias.

During the weekend you can stroll among apple trees in bloom, interpreting nature around the orchards, make cider jewels in Jurassic lands, as well as soaps with apple essence, or go on a pilgrimage to a cider mill to discover all the peculiarities of the Asturian cider culture.

To complement the experience, numerous restaurants in the region will offer special menus with apple and cider as the main ingredients. Diners will be able to sample interesting main dishes such as pork cheeks in cider reduction, or prawn ceviche with apple, as well as sweet desserts such as caramelised French toast with cider sorbet, or apple stuffed with rice pudding, among others.

All of this is accompanied by cider with the Protected Designation of Origin “Sidra de Asturias”. This is complemented by special discounts on visits offered by some museums and exhibition centres in the region to diners of these “cider menus”.

Member of the Spain in Bloom Club

This year, we would like to highlight the integration of the Apple Blossom within the “Spain in Bloom” club. An initiative funded through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Government of Spain and which aims to promote and enhance experiences related to agri-food and floral tourism. As is the case of the Cider Region, which has been carrying out its flowering for 15 years, and which with this project will now share promotional space with other regions of the country such as the lavender region of Brihuega (Castilla La Mancha); the sunflower region in Carmona (Andalusia), or the cherry region of Jerte (Extremadura), among others.

The Apple Blossom programme has the collaboration of different organisations and entities for its development, among which the Regulatory Council of the “Sidra de Asturias” Designation of Origin, the Campoastur Cooperative, the Jurassic Museum of Asturias, or the 'Spain in Bloom' Tourist Club, among others, stand out.

To register for visits and obtain more information, you can access the website

During the weekend, those interested can participate in the 'Spain in Bloom' Photography Competition by sending photos of their experience with apple trees in bloom through the website A Spain in Bloom gift pack will be raffled off among all the photos sent.

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