Agromarketing now has the Club España en Floración Training Campus available, where staff of the members adhering to the project will be able to access nine free training courses related to flowering tourism.
Specifically, from the website of Club Spain in Bloom They will be able to access the course with their username and password to follow the following courses at their own pace: Media and Social Media Management, Training of women for positions of responsibility in tourism companies, Restaurant professionals, Accessible tourism, Management of European subsidies and funds, Flowering tourist guides, Organisation of activities parallel to the Flowering, Tourist marketing for merchants, Management of rural accommodation.
This training campus was one of the technological tools proposed in the agrotourism project Experiencia España en Floración (Spain in Bloom Experience), selected by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism with EU funds as one of the most innovative tourist experiences in the country.
Agromarketing aims to ensure that this Campus can offer more courses and quality training content in the future.