El Festival Del Piorno En Flor De La Sierra De Gredos Acoge El ‘Tour Colores Y Sabores De España’ - Turismo De Floración

The Gredos Sierra's Broom Blossom Festival hosts the 'Colours and Flavours of Spain Tour'

● The Ávila town of Navalosa will host the opening ceremony of the Festival, whose programme of activities will last until 24 June, during which time 65,000 hectares will be painted in the yellow colour of the broom flower. The Festival celebrates thirteen years, organised by Asenorg, in collaboration with the Ávila Provincial Council, the associations and the 50 local councils in the area.

● The Colours and Flavours of Spain Tour is taking part in the inauguration of the Itinerant Interpretation Centre Spain in Bloom, the presentation of the national agrotourism project Spain in Bloom to the tourism managers of the province and its photography competition. The programme can be consulted at https://floracion.es/floracion-en-sierra-de-gredos/.

14-5-2024.- This Friday, May 17, the XIII edition of the Festival of the flowering broom from the Sierra de Gredos in Ávila. A real spectacle generated by the 65,000 hectares of this yellow wild flower that floods with fragrances and sustainable tourism an entire region of 29 municipalities in the northern area of Gredos. And the Colours and Flavours of Spain Tour of the agrotourism project Experience Spain in Bloom (www.floracion.es) will be the protagonist with the installation of the Travelling Interpretation Centre of the Blooms of Spain for visits and the presentation of the project to those responsible for the tourism sector in the province of Ávila.

Until June 24, small towns are organizing concerts, decoration and tapas contests, hiking routes or literary gatherings that generate a significant flow of visitors to the area. The initiative is organized by the Gredos Norte Business Association (Asenorg), with the support of the Ávila Provincial Council. The extensive program of activities can be consulted at https://floracion.es/floracion-en-sierra-de-gredos/.

Opening ceremony

The Festival del Piorno en Flor will feature the participation of the Tour Colors and Flavors of Spain, an initiative framed within the agrotourism project 'Experiencia España en Floración', selected by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism as one of the most innovative experiences in the country with European funds from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. Its main objective is to try to promote the country's flowering as a tourist attraction and the quality of its agri-food products. The Provincial Council of Ávila and Asenorg are attached to the project and sponsor the Tour Colors and Flavors.

The events will begin on Friday 17 May at the Navalosa School Building (Avila). At 12 noon the official opening of the Festival del Piorno en Flor will take place and the Travelling Interpretation Centre of Spain in Bloom will also be inaugurated, where, with educational material in different formats, the different flowering periods in Spain will be made known, including the Flowering of the Piorno. An initiative that is touring the different territories of the country that are promoting the flowering of their crops.

At 17:30 the presentation of the national agrotourism project Experience Spain in Bloom will take place. Antonio Santos, co-founder of Agromarketing Spain (www.agromarketing.es), the company leading the project, will explain the actions and opportunities that Spain in Bloom offers to an audience that will include mayors, local development agents and tourism councillors from the province of Ávila.

In addition, throughout the festival, tourists and visitors will be able to send photographs of the flowering broom or of the activities taking place at the Festival until June 24 on the website www.floracion.es. They will be entered into the draw for Spain in Bloom t-shirts and sweatshirts.

The Agromarketing España team will also take advantage of their visit to the Sierra de Gredos to film the flowering landscapes with a drone and 360°, as well as conducting interviews with entrepreneurs and those responsible for flowering tourism in Sierra de Gredos.

The Colours and Flavours Tour started in March in Murcia and continued with the Blackthorn Blossom in Navarre. In April it was the turn of the Apple Blossom in the Cider Region of Asturias and the fourth stop was in the Sierra de Gredos in Ávila.

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