- Agromarketing Spain (agromarketing.es) gave a talk at an event that brought together more than 900 professionals and in which the benefits of being part of the Club España en Floración, which was formally established, were announced.
- At the Víctor Villegas Auditorium in Murcia there was a stand where promotional material for the 'Spain in Bloom' initiative was distributed.
27-11-2023.- The 'Experience Spain in Bloom' initiative had a special role at the 5th Stone Fruit Congress (www.frutadehueso.com), the largest event in this sector in Europe, which took place on November 23rd in person at the Víctor Villegas Auditorium in Murcia. While on the 24th it was 100% online through the Agromunity.com platform.
More than 900 professionals from all over Spain and from countries such as France, Italy, Chile, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and Argentina registered for the Congress were able to learn about the benefits of the Club España en Floración action that is part of the initiative. The flowering of stone fruit trees such as almond, peach, apricot, peach, plum and cherry is one of the most spectacular and attracts the attention of visitors.
At the Víctor Villegas Auditorium in Murcia, during the face-to-face session, attendees were able to learn about the initiative thanks to the promotional material of flyers and a promotional video that was shown at the Agromarketing España stand. November 24 was the occasion to present a talk in which to publicize the Experiencia España en Floración project and the Network of Actors that is being formed with companies, city councils and institutions that are involved in the organization and promotion of the flowering of crops in the 17 autonomous communities.
Club Constitution
Antonio Santos, co-founder of Agromarketing, was in charge of explaining the details of the initiative selected as one of the most innovative tourist experiences in the country by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism financed within the EU Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
The intervention focused on the benefits for those who join the Club, such as a communication and social media campaign on Spain's flowering; creation of the Spain in Bloom Platform; training courses; documentary access to all of Spain's flowering and creation of a Travelling Interpretation Centre; creation of the 'Spain in Bloom' tourism brand; value proposals and creation of tools for the organisation of 'Accessible' Flowering multi-territorial events; collection of information and creation of content of interest, as well as making videos and promotional material on tourism and its potential for the female community.
The presentation served as the founding act of the Club España en Floración once the members who have already formally joined the Club were announced: Alberjerte, Magic Route Viajes, Valleaventura, Garganta de los Infiernos (cherry blossoming), Association of Tourist Guides of Galicia (camellia blossoming), IGP Pacharán Navarro (blackthorn blossoming) and Mancomunidad comarca de la Sidra (apple blossoming). To which must be added more than 50 companies and institutions that have expressed their interest in joining and are processing their membership.